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Android TextView link without underline?



I use a TextView with links by this:

TextView tv ... 
tv.setText( Html.fromHtml(somehtml)) 

It is ok to control the link color by setting attribute android:textColorLink, but can I remove the underline of it?

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Jammy Lee Avatar asked Jun 25 '10 06:06

Jammy Lee

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1 Answers

OK now with html anchor tag, to avoid the underline now use the property STYLE="text-decoration:none"

< a STYLE="text-decoration:none" HREF=\"link.html\">it has no underline < /a >

this must work with a WebView but in a TextView I was using Android 1.5, 1.6 and thats not possible. =(

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Jorgesys Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 10:09
