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Glide 4 - ResourceDecoder on specific call

After going through all Glide documentation and StackOverflow questions and answers, I cannot find any information regarding applying resource decoder for a single Glide call in version 4.

In version Glide 3, we can do this:

private fun decoderWithDownSampleAtMost(ctx: Context): GifBitmapWrapperResourceDecoder {
    return GifBitmapWrapperResourceDecoder(

And in version 4, I know we can use AppGlideModule for custom ResourceDecoder

class MyAppGlideModule : AppGlideModule() {
    override fun registerComponents(context: Context, glide: Glide, registry: Registry) {
        registry.prepend(String::class.java, Bitmap::class.java, GalleryDecoder(context))

However, this applies to all Glide calls. How can I make ResourceDecoder behave like v3: the ability to apply on individual call?

UPDATE: I'm able to draw out a solution for this one after consulting on Glide Github Issues here https://github.com/bumptech/glide/issues/3522

So basically, I need to create a custom Option and use it to determine whether my custom ResourceDecoder will be triggered. Here is my sample:

  • Normal AppGlideModule
class MyAppGlideModule : AppGlideModule() {
    override fun registerComponents(context: Context, glide: Glide, registry: Registry) {
        registry.prepend(Any::class.java, Bitmap::class.java, MainActivity.GalleryDecoder(context, glide.bitmapPool))
  • In my Activity:
class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {

    companion object {
        val GALLERY_DECODER: Option<Boolean> = Option.memory("abc")

    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

            .apply(option(GALLERY_DECODER, true))

  • My GalleryDecoder:
open class GalleryDecoder(
        private val context: Context,
        private val bitmapPool: BitmapPool
    ) : ResourceDecoder<Any, Bitmap> {

        override fun decode(source: Any, width: Int, height: Int, options: Options): Resource<Bitmap>? {
            return BitmapResource.obtain(BitmapFactory.decodeResource(context.resources, R.drawable.giphy), bitmapPool)

        override fun handles(source: Any, options: Options): Boolean = options.get(GALLERY_DECODER) ?: false


That's it, if you don't want to use GalleryDecoder, just remove .apply(option(GALLERY_DECODER, true)) from Glide load. Cheers!

like image 489
Bach Vu Avatar asked Jan 25 '19 06:01

Bach Vu

1 Answers

I think that you can do with :

        // TRY With below line....
        .setDefaultRequestOptions(new GlideOptions().decode(Class<T> class))

I think you have to pass your class object. I haven't tried but I think it will work.

like image 50
Pratik Butani Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 10:10

Pratik Butani