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Android Studio very laggy on M1 Apple Silicon chip

I've upgraded to the M1 chip 2020 Macbook Air from a 7th gen. Intel chip pc. Overall, I'm very happy and content with it but when it comes to Android Studio performance, which I use quite often, it is very disappointing I'm sorry to say. When will an Apple Silicon compatible version be available? Are any of you guys have any clue?

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melihozcann Avatar asked Mar 21 '21 10:03


People also ask

Is M1 good for Android studio?

Android Studio is not M1 Optimized Yet The Software that runs on M1 Chip is no longer Intel Chip, and hence need to be M1 Optimized first.

Can Android run on M1 chip?

As of July 2022, there are no Android Emulators available for the Apple M1 chip Macbook to play Android games or run apps. If you have an older version of Mac or an Intel-powered Mac, you can try Bluestacks. Bluestacks is currently the best Android Emulator available on Mac.

Is Apple M1 good for Android development?

MacBook Air with M1 would be enough for the majority of mobile developers. However, I'd recommend buying the one with 16 GB of RAM. That way, you'd be able to build apps for both Android and iOS as well as try out cross-platform development (Kotlin Multiplatform, Flutter).

Why is my Mac M1 so slow?

A full boot volume can lead to a slow startup and other performance issues. Try not to install third-party apps that you don't need. They can take a lot of precious disk space as well as system resources while running. Also, outdated apps can have problems running due to macOS incompatibility.

Is Android Studio M1 optimized?

The Software that runs on M1 Chip is no longer Intel Chip, and hence need to be M1 Optimized first. However, when we checked the latest Android Studio 4.1.3 and Android Studio Preview 2002.1.3 (Canary 14), it is still based on Intel architecture as shown below. I also take a peek at Java runtime, it is also Intel Architecture.

Is the MacBook M1 mini M1 good for Android development?

Mac M1 Mini M1 chips are cool (in a temperature sense), but currently slow. I'll update when a Apple Silicon optimized Android Studio comes out. Show activity on this post. I've been using a Macbook Pro with M1 for Android development in Android Studio for the past few days.

Is the M1 chip cool?

M1 chips are cool (in a temperature sense), but currently slow. I'll update when a Apple Silicon optimized Android Studio comes out. Show activity on this post. I've been using a Macbook Pro with M1 for Android development in Android Studio for the past few days.

Is it possible to install Android Studio in MacBook Air M1?

In this post, we have seen that is possible to install Android Studio in Macbook Air M1 and use a virtual device even that your M1 doesn’t support VT-x. You can learn more about this emulator in the following references: Enter your search term...

5 Answers

I had the exact problem and the solution was as follows: Open Android Studio, go to Help -> Edit Custom VM Options and add the following lines:


Restart the IDE and wait for the files to sync. Done, IDE running smooth again.

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Maickonn Castro Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 21:10

Maickonn Castro

Starting from Android Studio Artic Fox version, they not only changed versioning number style (replaced number system with Year-styling Version names), but also introduced Android Studio for M1/Apple Silicon (arm arch 64bits).

To check if you'r using right Android Studio for your M1, click on 'About Android Studio' and check the runtime, it should show as aarch64 (ie. Arm architecture 64bits). If not, mostly you might be having x86_64 if you installed regular Mac's Android Studio. About Android Studio with [64 bits] arm runtime for M1

To switch to M1's Android Studio,

  1. first exit already installed Android Studio, if it's open.
  2. Go to Finder and under 'Applications', rename 'Android Studio' to preferably 'Android Studio_x86_64'.
  3. Go to Android Studio downloads page (https://developer.android.com/studio#downloads), and download the one tagged as 'Mac (64-bit, ARM)' and unzip and move to 'Applications'.
  4. Click to open 'Android Studio' from the Finder/Applications. You may drag and add it as a Dock shortcut option.

Good thing is that there is no extra installation required and the existing project, (at least for me), opened without any issues. Android-SDK based and Flutter projects should be good right after switch, NDK not yet there.

AS is now faster again as you are using it as intended on Apple M1's chipset. !

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Robin Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 21:10


Now Android Studio Bumblebee (2021.1.1) is available in Stable Channel. If your version is older than Bumblebee, download it for more performance.

I find out that the link shown by default is for intel architectures.

Automatic update performed by android studio also downloads the intel version even if this download occurs on a Mac with an ARM architecture (M1) .

You should navigate to the download options and choose ARM architecture manually.

You can download version 2021.1.1.22 Bumblebee for MAC ARM (M1) here (Link updated on Mar 7 2022 )

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Yago Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 21:10


Check Android Studio Arctic Fox (2020.3.1) Beta 3 (have apple silicon support) https://developer.android.com/studio/archive

enter image description here

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Arslan Tazhibaev Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 20:10

Arslan Tazhibaev

use Intellij CE the latest version released on April 6th has native support for m1 and its very fast and intuitive, i've been using it and it's not very different from android studio

Edit: September 21

Download m1 native supported Android studio through https://developer.android.com/studio/archive Download Mac (Apple silicon)

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mohamed gomaa Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 21:10

mohamed gomaa