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Android Studio Slow Debugging on Device


All was well until very recently when I noticed that debugging has become very slow. I do not recall any drastic changes that would cause this.

UI Navigation has a noticeable lag and network operations take forever. This is somewhat remedied if I reboot the phone and restart Android Studio/ADB.

App behaves fine when running in normal mode.

I'm using Dalvik runtime, on Android 4.4.2. I have not used ART.

Any advice on how to address this?

like image 827
AlexVPerl Avatar asked Oct 23 '14 16:10


People also ask

Why is Android Studio running so slow?

According to Android Studio's official system requirements, it takes at minimum 3 GB RAM to run smoothly. Honestly, its a lot and I believe that is the biggest cause of being it too slow all the time. The android developers are always complaining about the speed of Android Studio and how its slow ALL THE TIME.

Is debug slower than run?

Unfortunately, debugger speed has some runtime limitations, which can't be easily fixed. If your code does some high performance computations, Debugger will be at least 3 times slower than usual Run.

Does Android Studio make computer slow?

Since Android Studio, by default, runs a Gradle build when you start up, it manifests as an extremely slow start-up. The problem is extremely easy to check for: While you are experiencing the symptoms of a slow Android Studio, press Ctrl - Alt - Delete and open Windows Task Manager.

2 Answers

Check your breakpoints in Debug bookmark (button "View Breakpoints"), if there are many breakpoints which you forgot delete in the past this may slow you debugger. In my case deleting all breakpoints fix the problem.

like image 162
PadreMateo Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 13:10


I had such an experience before and it was due to a custom library that I had attached to my project, I still don't know how these two were related but after removing the library it worked like a charm. See what has been added to your project recently, maybe it help you too.

like image 39
Amir Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 12:10
