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Android Studio : how to create hotkey to clear logcat?

How to create hotkey to clear logcat in Android Studio. I also look in file/setting/keymap but there is no command to clear logcat.

Sometimes I want want to see logs of previous launch too.

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UmAnusorn Avatar asked Nov 25 '13 12:11


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Solution 1: Restarting your Android StudioIn your IDE Go to File > Invalidate Caches and Restart > Invalidate and Restart. This Solution will clear all the caches of Android studio IDE and restart it automatically, By the method, there are 80% change that Logcat will start work as before.

2 Answers

You can clear Logcat on every time you run the app. For android Studio: Go to Run > Edit configuration > Logcat tab > check "Clear Log before launch."

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bns Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 02:09


In Android Studio preference/keymap. Search for "Clear all" then assign your key.

Alt text However, you need to click/focus on the logcat anyway. PS. I have installed plugin

Key Promoter

This plugin help me use and assign new hotkeys alot

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UmAnusorn Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 02:09
