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Android Speech Recognizer with Bluetooth Microphone

I've been writing a chat app to work with bluetooth headsets/earphones. So far I've been able to record audio files via the mic in a bluetooth headset and I've been able to get Speech-to-text working with the Android device's built in microphone, using RecogniserIntent etc.

But I can't find a way of getting SpeechRecogniser to listen through the Bluetooth mic.Is it even possible to do so, and if so, how?

Current Device: Samsung Galax

Android Version: 4.4.2

Edit: I found some options hidden in my tablets settings for the Speech Recognizer, one of these is a tick box labeled "use bluetooth microphone" but it seems to have no effect.

like image 511
Owen Ryan Avatar asked Jan 22 '15 10:01

Owen Ryan

People also ask

How do I use voice command on Bluetooth?

To use Siri Eyes Free (iPhone devices) or Google Assistant (Android devices) on your phone: Make sure your compatible phone is Bluetooth-paired with the system. Press and hold the PUSH-TO-TALK button on the steering wheel (a long press), or say your voice assistant's hands-free prompt, such as “Hey Google.”

Why is my speech recognition not working?

When using voice typing, you might see different errors. Voice typing needs access to your microphone. You'll need to turn this on in settings to use speech to text. Select Start > Settings > Privacy & security > Microphone, and make sure Microphone access is turned on.

1 Answers

Found the answer to my own question so I'm posting it for others to use:

In order to get speak recognition to work with a Bluetooth Mic you first need to get the device as a BluetoothHeadset Object and then call .startVoiceRecognition() on it, this will set the mode to Voice recognition.

Once finished you need to call .stopVoiceRecognition().

You get the BluetoothHeadset as such:

private void SetupBluetooth()
    btAdapter = BluetoothAdapter.getDefaultAdapter();

    pairedDevices = btAdapter.getBondedDevices();

    BluetoothProfile.ServiceListener mProfileListener = new BluetoothProfile.ServiceListener() {
        public void onServiceConnected(int profile, BluetoothProfile proxy)
            if (profile == BluetoothProfile.HEADSET)
                btHeadset = (BluetoothHeadset) proxy;
        public void onServiceDisconnected(int profile)
            if (profile == BluetoothProfile.HEADSET) {
                btHeadset = null;
    btAdapter.getProfileProxy(SpeechActivity.this, mProfileListener, BluetoothProfile.HEADSET);


Then you get call startVoiceRecognition() and send off your voice recognition intent like so:

private void startVoice()
        for (BluetoothDevice tryDevice : pairedDevices)
            //This loop tries to start VoiceRecognition mode on every paired device until it finds one that works(which will be the currently in use bluetooth headset)
            if (btHeadset.startVoiceRecognition(tryDevice))
    recogIntent = new Intent(RecognizerIntent.ACTION_RECOGNIZE_SPEECH);
    recogIntent.putExtra(RecognizerIntent.EXTRA_LANGUAGE_MODEL, RecognizerIntent.LANGUAGE_MODEL_FREE_FORM);

    recog = SpeechRecognizer.createSpeechRecognizer(SpeechActivity.this);
    recog.setRecognitionListener(new RecognitionListener()

like image 170
Owen Ryan Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 11:10

Owen Ryan