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Android SDK Manager won't update: connection to https://dl-ssl.google.com refused

This is the same problem as a number of other have reported, e.g.

Failed to fetch URL https://dl-ssl.google.com/android/repository/addons_list-1.xml, reason: Connection to https://dl-ssl.google.com refused

Android SDK Not Updating Packages

Android SDK Manager gives "Failed to fetch URL https://dl-ssl.google.com/android/repository/repository.xml" error when selecting repository

But all of the suggested solutions either aren't relevant or haven't worked.

My problem is I get a connection refused error whenever I attempt to update the Android SDK Manager. This is the SDK Manager's log output:

Fetching https://dl-ssl.google.com/android/repository/addons_list-2.xml Fetched Add-ons List successfully Fetching URL: https://dl-ssl.google.com/android/repository/repository-7.xml Done loading packages. Fetching https://dl-ssl.google.com/android/repository/addons_list-2.xml Failed to fetch URL https://dl-ssl.google.com/android/repository/addons_list-2.xml, reason: Connection to https://dl-ssl.google.com refused 

Entering https://dl-ssl.google.com/android/repository/addons_list-2.xml into Firefox just times out - I don't get an XML document.

I've tried it with and without the force http:// option with no luck. This is from home, I'm not using any kind of proxy server and I don't have a firewall set up.

Something else I tried (in order to eliminate my machine as the source of the problem) is entering https://dl-ssl.google.com in a web browser on another computer that uses the same internet connection (Acer laptop w/ Win7 64-bit). The connection times out on the other computer as well, which almost leads me to think my IP is blacklisted on the server somehow (I have no idea how that would have happened) or it's an ISP issue.

So my question is how can I get SDK Manager to update? If my IP is in fact being blocked by Google's server for some reason, is there anything I can do to get around it? E.g. by routing through some kind of proxy? Are there any mirrors for dl-ssl.google.com?

Environment info: I'm using ADT Rev 21.1 on Kubuntu 12.04.2 LTS.

like image 216
user1405990 Avatar asked Jun 10 '13 08:06


1 Answers

In Android SDK Manager select

Tools -> Options

then check the box "Force https://... sources to be fetched using http://..."

like image 192
Hudson Manieri Avatar answered Oct 29 '22 20:10

Hudson Manieri