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Android Room can not create JSON schema for testing migrations

I have created migration from 1 to 2 version of my database.

I have the app in a few modules like:

  • app
  • data
  • domain

I have tried adding this into build.gradle of app and data modules:

javaCompileOptions {
        annotationProcessorOptions {
            arguments = ["room.schemaLocation":  "$projectDir/schemas".toString()]

    sourceSets {
        androidTest.assets.srcDirs += files("$projectDir/schemas".toString())

Here is my MigrationTest class:

public class MigrationTest {

private static final String TEST_DB = "migration-test";

@Rule public MigrationTestHelper helper;

private Profile profile;

public MigrationTest() {
helper = new MigrationTestHelper(
    new FrameworkSQLiteOpenHelperFactory());

public void setUp(){
profile = createProfile();

@Test public void migrate1To2() throws IOException {
    SupportSQLiteDatabase db = helper.createDatabase(TEST_DB, 1);
    AppDatabase database = (AppDatabase) helper.runMigrationsAndValidate(TEST_DB, 2, true, MIGRATION_1_2);
    Single<ProfileData> profileDataSingle = database.profileDao().getById("userId");
    ProfileData profileData = profileDataSingle.blockingGet();
    Profile currentProfile = ProfileMapper.transform(profileData);
    assertEquals(currentProfile.getUserId(), profile.getUserId());

Here is failing test:

java.io.FileNotFoundException: Cannot find the schema file in the assets folder. Make sure to include the exported json schemas in your test assert inputs. See https://developer.android.com/topic/libraries/architecture/room.html#db-migration-testing for details. Missing file: org.app.app.data.sql.AppDatabase/1.json

like image 349
Zookey Avatar asked Jul 03 '18 12:07


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Export schemas Room can export your database's schema information into a JSON file at compile time. To export the schema, set the room.schemaLocation annotation processor property in your app/build.gradle file: build.gradle.

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Room Database Migrations [You are here] As we add and change features in your app, we have to update the schema of our database. Whenever there is a change in the schema of any of our tables, we need to write a migration for the existing application if we don't want our users to lose all of their existing data.

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Schema migrations, or database migrations, refer to the management of incremental changes of database schemas. A migration is performed on a database whenever it is necessary to update or revert that database's schema to some newer or older version.

1 Answers

For Kotliners:

    defaultConfig {
        // ...
        kapt {
            arguments {
                arg("room.schemaLocation", "$projectDir/schemas")
    sourceSets {
            assets.srcDirs(File(projectDir, "schemas"))
like image 172
Evgenii Vorobei Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 23:09

Evgenii Vorobei