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Android Studio emulator not updating my changes

I am writing a database app in Android Studio and I have changed the design layout so that it has a few text boxes and an input button. I have done all the code for it and saved it all multiple times but when I run the emulator of my app it is still not showing my design I have done and is still just showing the "Hello World" default text box you get when you first make a new app. Can anyone tell me why the emulator is not updating when I save? thanks

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PlsHelpNeedHelp101 Avatar asked Dec 12 '17 18:12


2 Answers

There are some cases that the emulator gets corrupt. It will not behave properly and update your app. If you are sure that your app complies with no errors and Studio installs it on the emulator.

Go to tools->AVD Manager. Right click on the device you are using and select wipe data.

This will, of course, delete all the device data. So if there is nothing important there it should help.


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Itamar Kerbel Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 11:10

Itamar Kerbel

Some layout changes do not cause the app to be rebuilt when it is run through RUN. Try to clear the app and then run it, if it does not work, Clear > Rebuild > Run.

If this works for you, add these tasks to the automatic tasks whenever the run is used.

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Kelton Holanda Fontenele Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 12:10

Kelton Holanda Fontenele