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Android MediaPlayer throwing "Prepare failed.: status=0x1" on 2.1, works on 2.2

I've been really banging my head against the table trying to get the MediaPlayer class to try to play h.264-encoded videos on Android 2.1. My code is rather simple:

  AssetFileDescriptor fileDescriptor = getResources().openRawResourceFd(R.raw.my_movie);   introMoviePlayer = new MediaPlayer();   introMoviePlayer.setDataSource(fileDescriptor.getFileDescriptor(), fileDescriptor.getStartOffset(), fileDescriptor.getDeclaredLength());   introMoviePlayer.prepare(); 

This always throws an exception at prepare(), with the text java.io.IOException: Prepare failed.: status=0x1. I got a bit more info by using MediaPlayer.create() with a URI, which also throws at prepare(), which is actually called by MediaPlayer.create(), with the message Command PLAYER_PREPARE completed with an error or info PVMFErrResourceConfiguration.

The same code works perfectly in Froyo (2.2). The videos themselves play fine in the video player app. Does anyone have perhaps a helpful hint that might help to solve this problem?

Edit: Still no solution -- very frustrating problem indeed. However, I have found that by creating a VideoView and setting the URI for the raw video works. This is very puzzling, as sending the exact same URI through a MediaPlayer class will throw.

like image 726
Nik Reiman Avatar asked Sep 21 '10 14:09

Nik Reiman

1 Answers

This is my solution:

MediaPlayer mediaPlayer = new MediaPlayer(); FileInputStream fis = null; try {     File directory = new File("android.resource://com.example.myapp/raw/");     fis = new FileInputStream(directory);     mediaPlayer.setDataSource(fis.getFD());     mediaPlayer.setAudioStreamType(AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC);     mediaPlayer.prepare(); }   finally {     if (fis != null) {         try {             fis.close();         } catch (IOException ignore) {         }     }  } 
like image 58
MadMurdok Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 12:09
