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Android logcat error: "E/CliptrayUtils: hideClipTrayIfNeeded() TextView is focused!! hideClipTray()"

I am new und unexperienced to Android, trying to develop apps in Ubuntu 14.04 with Android Studio 1.4. I use two activities, and none of these activities, layout or the like uses a 'ClipTray'. However, in logcat I see the following entry:

E/CliptrayUtils: hideClipTrayIfNeeded() TextView is focused!! hideClipTray()

and google does not really help here (no luck to find anything even for just the phrase hideClipTrayIfNeeded().

Although this is listed as an error, the app seems to work without problems! But I do not like to have unfixed errors!

I also see those lines randomly in my log file:

D/CliptrayUtils: setInputTypeforClipTray(): 0

Any suggestions are welcome.

Addition: I just realized that this error probably only occurs when the app is running on the actual phone and I switch off the display. Could that be the cause of this error? Then it has nothing to do with the actual app and I will be happy...

like image 537
Alex Avatar asked Oct 28 '15 16:10


1 Answers

Ok, it's an old post but due to the fact that as I tested my application and I had exactly the same question, I would like to add that this issue is shown only in LG devices. Testing the same app on a Nexus device this issue is not shown at all. So I think, it is not an issue.

like image 57
G.V. Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 19:11
