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android-java: check boolean value checking for null




I am trying for null check like below

if (isTrue == null)

compile error says : "The operator == is undefined for the argument type(s) boolean"

Please help, how to do null check.


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Yogesh Avatar asked Oct 29 '11 11:10


1 Answers

You can't do null check on primitive types. boolean is a primitive type.

If you absolutely need to represent a null value with a boolean variable, you need to use the wrapper class java.lang.Boolean.

So, your example would be:

Boolean isTrue;
isTrue = null; // valid
isTrue = true; // valid
isTrue = false; // valid
if (isTrue == null) {
    // valid!

Here's the WIKIPEDIA entry for primitive wrapper classes.

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Pablo Santa Cruz Avatar answered Nov 26 '22 05:11

Pablo Santa Cruz