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That problem comes with snmp4android.jar using Android 3.1

[2013-04-08 14:42:25 - ControlloGiardinoWG] Installation error: INSTALL_FAILED_MISSING_SHARED_LIBRARY
[2013-04-08 14:42:25 - ControlloGiardinoWG] Please check logcat output for more details.
[2013-04-08 14:42:25 - ControlloGiardinoWG] Launch canceled!

on logat:

package ..... requires unavaiable shared library org.snmp4j.CommunityTarget; failing!

but package was added on build path, tried to also add on libs, tried to also add on assets, tried to clean and build project on every tries...

on manifest i've declared all used libraries:

 <uses-library android:name="org.snmp4j.CommunityTarget"/>
        <uses-library android:name="org.snmp4j.PDU"/>
        <uses-library android:name="org.snmp4j.Snmp"/>
        <uses-library android:name="org.snmp4j.TransportMapping"/>
        <uses-library android:name="org.snmp4j.event.ResponseEvent"/>
        <uses-library android:name="org.snmp4j.event.ResponseListener"/>
        <uses-library android:name="org.snmp4j.mp.SnmpConstants"/>
        <uses-library android:name="org.snmp4j.smi.Address"/>
        <uses-library android:name="org.snmp4j.smi.GenericAddress"/>
        <uses-library android:name="org.snmp4j.smi.Integer32"/>
        <uses-library android:name="org.snmp4j.smi.OID"/>
        <uses-library android:name="org.snmp4j.smi.OctetString"/>
        <uses-library android:name="org.snmp4j.smi.UdpAddress"/>
        <uses-library android:name="org.snmp4j.smi.VariableBinding"/>
        <uses-library android:name="org.snmp4j.transport.DefaultUdpTransportMapping"/>

tried to remove and reinstall sdk... where could be the problem?

like image 380
fraschizzato Avatar asked Apr 08 '13 12:04


1 Answers

Solved... The problem comes up because for external jars its not required to declare library on manifest... Deleting on manifest the writed on the post solves the problem...

like image 185
fraschizzato Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 13:10
