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Android: How to use an xml string value to determine layout orientation



I have a simple linear layout that I would like to change based on the screen size of the device. What I am trying to do is something like

<LinearLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"  

I have created different dimen.xml files under values and values-xlarge so that the cover_orientation variable will take on a different value (either 'vertical' or 'horizontal') based on the screen size.

string name="cover_orientation">"vertical"

But this doesn't work. I have found a temporary work around that involves checking the screen size and changing the orientation manually:

if(getResources().getString(R.string.screen_size) == "xlarge"){

but it seems like you should be able to do it the first way (much more elegant/less code).

I considered just having a different layout for each screen size, but the layout is actually quite big and this is the only change I need for the different screen sizes. So it didn't make much sense to me to duplicate the entire layout.


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odiggity Avatar asked Jun 22 '11 19:06


1 Answers

A nice way to do this is to add


on your LinearLayout and defining it like below.

in values/consts.xml:


    <integer name="orientation_horizontal">0</integer>
    <integer name="orientation_vertical">1</integer>


in values/something.xml:


    <integer name="cover_orientation">@integer/orientation_vertical</integer>


in values-land/something.xml:


    <integer name="cover_orientation">@integer/orientation_horizontal</integer>


This way you avoid hardcoding zeros and ones in your orientation variable definitions across the app.

like image 116
MaciejGórski Avatar answered Jan 04 '23 06:01
