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Android Google Map, Polylines and zoom

I am drawing a list of polylines on a Google Map. I am looking for a solution to fit the zoom of the map depending of the drawed polylines. I've calculated the center point of all my polyline so I know on which point to center the map. But I don't find any solution to get the zoom level.

Here the code I use:

    mMap.animateCamera(CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLngZoom(getZoomPoint(), 15));

private LatLng getZoomPoint() {
    Double minLatitude = null;
    Double minLongitude = null;
    Double maxLatitude = null;
    Double maxLongitude = null;

    for (Feature feature : features) {
        List<Coordinates> coordinates = ((LineString) feature.getGeometry()).getCoordinates();
        for (Coordinates coordinate : coordinates) {
            // --------------------------------------------------------- INITIALISATION
            if (minLatitude == null) { // No matter on wich var we check
                minLatitude = coordinate.getLatitude();
                minLongitude = coordinate.getLongitude();
                maxLatitude = coordinate.getLatitude();
                maxLongitude = coordinate.getLongitude();
            } else {
                if (coordinate.getLatitude() < minLatitude) {
                    minLatitude = coordinate.getLatitude();
                if (coordinate.getLatitude() > maxLatitude) {
                    maxLatitude = coordinate.getLatitude();
                if (coordinate.getLongitude() < minLongitude) {
                    minLongitude = coordinate.getLongitude();
                if (coordinate.getLongitude() > maxLongitude) {
                    maxLongitude = coordinate.getLongitude();
    double meanLatitude = (minLatitude + maxLatitude) / 2;
    double meanLongitude = (minLongitude + maxLongitude) / 2;
    return new LatLng(meanLatitude, meanLongitude);

My first question is: is there a way to compute the zoom level value ? (here is '15' hard-coded).

My second question is: how can I fit the polylines width depending on the camera zoom level ? I've added a listener:

mMap.setOnCameraChangeListener(new GoogleMap.OnCameraChangeListener() {
            public void onCameraChange(CameraPosition cameraPosition) {
                Log.d("ZOOM = ", "" +mMap.getCameraPosition().zoom);


And I can change the polylines width using the setWidth(...) method but I don't find a "formula" to compute the width value. Now, the polylines which is fix and don't depends on the zoom level.

Any suggestions ?

like image 831
hiveship Avatar asked Jan 20 '17 09:01


1 Answers

You can use LatLngBounds to make a fix bound focus.

    /**Latlng's to get focus*/
    LatLng Delhi = new LatLng(28.61, 77.2099);
    LatLng Chandigarh = new LatLng(30.75, 76.78);
    LatLng SriLanka = new LatLng(7.000, 81.0000);
    LatLng America = new LatLng(38.8833, 77.0167);
    LatLng Arab = new LatLng(24.000, 45.000);

    /**create for loop/manual to add LatLng's to the LatLngBounds.Builder*/
    LatLngBounds.Builder builder = new LatLngBounds.Builder();

    /**initialize the padding for map boundary*/
    int padding = 50;
    /**create the bounds from latlngBuilder to set into map camera*/
    LatLngBounds bounds = builder.build();
    /**create the camera with bounds and padding to set into map*/
    final CameraUpdate cu = CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLngBounds(bounds, padding);
    /**call the map call back to know map is loaded or not*/
    map.setOnMapLoadedCallback(new GoogleMap.OnMapLoadedCallback() {
        public void onMapLoaded() {
            /**set animated zoom camera into map*/

As like above code you have a list of coordinates List<Coordinates> as I am adding manual LatLng in code. add these coordinates LatLng object to the LatLngBounds.Builder then animate the camera, it will automatically zoom for the all covered LatLng's.

like image 86
Ready Android Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 18:09

Ready Android