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Android Emulator - offline to online mode

Is there a way to bring android emulator from offline to online mode without closing AVD? I tried adb's 'kill-server', 'start-server' commands but this just seems to re-start adb server (adb.exe process), the emulator is still in offline mode and 'adb devices' still show 'offline' state.

Also can someone explain what exactly 'offline' mode of emulator means. In my case - Emulator (standalone), daemon process and ADB server - all seem to be running. Why is emulator state still offline?

Updating Question: I have tried 'adb reset' both from Eclipse & command line that does not solve the problem. Issue seems to be more with Emulator Memory. Per my analysis memory of emulator keeps increasing and after a limit (~470 MB in my Windows) if you try to do a adb reset - it brings the state of emulator to offline and no more adb commands work. (also no network calls seem to be working)

like image 739
Sohdeep Avatar asked Aug 01 '13 23:08


People also ask

Can you use emulator offline?

Sure, you can use android emulator offline. Almost all the features are included in the emulator to be used offline. You'll just need to go online when you want internet connectivity in the Apps you are testing on your emulator.

1 Answers

Use these commands from the command prompt it will help u

1.adb kill-server //kill all active server
2.adb start-server //start adb server
3.adb devices //check the list of active server
like image 145
Developer Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 17:09
