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Android, Drawable.createFromStream(is, srcname): what's the 2nd parameter meaning?

Which is the meaning of the second parameter of Drawable.createFromStream() method?

From Android APIs I only get:

public static Drawable createFromStream (InputStream is, String srcName) Create a drawable from an inputstream 

In all examples I have read I see they use the string "src": is it the name of the directory where the drawable is cached, relative to my application's root dir?

One parallel question: where am I supposed to find Android core sources (for example of Drawable.createFromStream() method...), to avoid such silly questions, in future?

like image 288
MarcoS Avatar asked May 25 '11 09:05


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1 Answers

It's basically useless:

Based on Froyo source, it is used when creating nine-patch images from the resource, but not when creating a regular Bitmap:

852 private static Drawable drawableFromBitmap(Resources res, Bitmap bm, byte[] np, 853         Rect pad, String srcName) { 854 855     if (np != null) { 856        return new NinePatchDrawable(res, bm, np, pad, srcName); 857     } 858 859     return new BitmapDrawable(res, bm); 860  } 

You get there by following the Drawable code:

createFromStream returns:

return createFromResourceStream(null, null, is, srcName, null); 

which in turn uses:

return drawableFromBitmap(res, bm, np, pad, srcName); 

(np comes from Bitmap#getNinePatchChunk();) and this calls:

return new NinePatchDrawable(res, bm, np, pad, srcName); 

Finally, you get to the NinePatch declaration:

public class NinePatch 

Create a drawable projection from a bitmap to nine patches.


bitmap The bitmap describing the patches.

chunk The 9-patch data chunk describing how the underlying bitmap is split apart and drawn.

srcName The name of the source for the bitmap. Might be null.

like image 157
Aleadam Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 09:10
