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Android Development : File is probably compressed




this'll be my first post on SO so please be gentle. I'm currently developing an Android app and am attempting to simply read a .txt file in. After many seperate hurdles to overcome (this is my first attempt at reading in a text file) I've come across a rather nasty problem of it throwing the error message

This file cannot be opened as a file descriptor; it is probably compressed.

assetmgr = thiscontext.getAssets();
try {
    descriptor = assetmgr.openFd("level1.txt");
} catch (IOException e) {
    // TODO Auto-generated catch block

The above piece of code is simply attempting to read in the text file. However, it is returning null to descriptor which is obviously causing errors further down the line.

inputStream = new FileReader(descriptor.getFileDescriptor());

This is the line that is initialising the inputstream for parsing the text file in the loop I've created out of this scope.

So my problem is how do I fix the txt file not opening correctly and apprarently being compressed.

If I have made any errors in posting please let me know so I can correct them to get the best possible advice!


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user2639049 Avatar asked Jul 31 '13 17:07


1 Answers

So my problem is how do I fix the txt file not opening correctly and apprarently being compressed.

Instead of calling openFd(), call open(), to get an InputStream directly, and replace your FileReader with an InputStreamReader (if you really want a Reader interface).

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CommonsWare Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 19:09
