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Counting Inversions (Issue with Large Input)

I am currently working on counting inversions exercise using mergesort. The problem I am facing is when I have small or medium sized array the result is perfectly fine however if I use a very large testcase (an array of 100,000 integers) it does not give me correct number of inversions. I have no clue as to why is that happening. Here is my code:

static int [] helper;
static long count=0;
static Integer [] arr3;

private static void mergeSortMethod(Integer[] arr3) {
    int head=0;
    int tail=arr3.length-1;
    int mid=tail+((head-tail)/2);


private static void sort(Integer[] arr3, int low, int high) {

    if (high<=low){
    int mid=low+ ((high-low)/2);




private static void merge3CountInvs(Integer[] arr3, int low, int mid, int high) {
    int i=low;
    int j=mid+1;
    int k=low;
    //to get size of first half of array
    int nArr1Elems=(mid-low)+1;

    for (int m=low;m<=high;m++){


    while(i < mid+1 && j < high+1){// neither array empty
        if( helper[i] < helper[j] ){
            arr3[k++] = helper[i++];


        else if ( helper[j] < helper[i] ){
            arr3[k++] = helper[j++];
            int numOFElements=nArr1Elems-i;

    while(i < mid+1){ // arrayB is empty,
        arr3[k++] = helper[i++];

    while(j < high+1){ // arrayA is empty,
        arr3[k++] = helper[j++];


My solution gives correct answers when not using very large inputs however when I used test case of 100,000 integers that was the number of inversions I got:

From my implementation: -30588581433

Correct answer is: 2407905288

Any ideas? I would appreciate any sort of help. Thank you.

EDIT: As mentioned in the answers about the integer overflow case that is the point I am having a hard time to understand since variable "count" which causes overflow is initialized as "long" hence there should be no overflow in this case. I can not think of any other variable that would cause integer overflow in my code. Thanks a lot.


There was no issue related to Integer overflow but thanks for the answers however Reddy's answer did point me into right direction so thanks once again. The only mistake in my algorithm was:

int nArr1Elems=(mid-low)+1; 


When it should have been:


As we have to subtract from the elements left on the left side of array "after" sorting not initially when the subroutine is called since the index changes after sorting. I am writing my updated code in case if anyone else would end up in a similar issue as mine:

static int [] helper;
static long count=0;
static Integer [] arr3;

private static void mergeSortMethod(Integer[] arr3) {
    int head=0;
    int tail=arr3.length-1;
    int mid=tail+((head-tail)/2);


private static void sort(Integer[] arr3, int low, int high) {

    if (high<=low){
    int mid=low+ ((high-low)/2);




private static void merge3CountInvs(Integer[] arr3, int low, int mid, int high) {
    int i=low;
    int j=mid+1;
    int k=low;

    for (int m=low;m<=high;m++){


    while(i < mid+1 && j < high+1){// neither array empty
        if( helper[i] < helper[j] ){
            arr3[k++] = helper[i++];


        else if ( helper[j] < helper[i] ){
            arr3[k++] = helper[j++];
         //to increment count with total number of elements left in arrayA after sorting

    while(i < mid+1){ // arrayB is empty,
        arr3[k++] = helper[i++];

    while(j < high+1){ // arrayA is empty,
        arr3[k++] = helper[j++];

like image 634
Khan Avatar asked Jul 10 '13 23:07


People also ask

What is inversion count problem?

Inversion Count for an array indicates – how far (or close) the array is from being sorted. If the array is already sorted, then the inversion count is 0, but if the array is sorted in reverse order, the inversion count is the maximum. Given an array a[]. The task is to find the inversion count of a[].

What is the maximum number of inversions an array can have?

Therefore, the maximum number of inversions is 1.

What is the main procedure in inversion counting?

We can check for every possible pair in an array. We will traverse the whole array and for each element, check if there exists any element which is lesser than the current element and present at the right of it. Then that pair will be counted in the inversion count.

Which determines the number of inversions in an array?

Inversion Count for an array indicates – how far (or close) the array is from being sorted. If the array is already sorted then the inversion count is 0. If the array is sorted in the reverse order that inversion count is the maximum. Two elements a[i] and a[j] form an inversion if a[i] > a[j] and i < j.

2 Answers

You're trying to store a number greater than Integer.MAX_VALUE - try using a long instead

like image 67
Zim-Zam O'Pootertoot Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 19:09

Zim-Zam O'Pootertoot

You are using numbers that do not fit into 32-bit integer and therefore you have an overflow. Use long for results smaller than 2^63 or java.math.BigInteger for all possible integers which fit in your memory.

like image 34
sasha.sochka Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 19:09
