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Android - Detect URL mime type?

In my Android app, I have various URLs that I access from a database and then open a WebView to display that URL. Typically the url looks something like this:


These referral links always redirect/forward to another url. Sometimes the resulting url is directly to an image. Sometimes it's to a PDF. Sometimes it's to just another HTML page.

Anyways, I need to be able to distinguish between these different types of pages. For example, if the resulting URL links to a PDF file, I want to use the Google Docs Viewer trick to display it. If it's just a plain HTML page I want to simply display it and if it's an image, I am planning on downloading the image and displaying it in my app in a certain way.

I figure the best way to approach this is to determine the mime type of the resulting url. How do you do this? And is there a better way to accomplish what I want?

like image 214
Jake Wilson Avatar asked Oct 05 '11 16:10

Jake Wilson

1 Answers

You can find out what mime type of content in such way:

webView.setDownloadListener(new DownloadListener() {
    public void onDownloadStart(String url, String userAgent,
            String contentDisposition, String mimetype,
            long contentLength) {

        //here you getting the String mimetype
        //and you can do with it whatever you want

In this method you can check if mimetype is pdf and show it through Google Docs in WebView using modified url like this:

String pdfPrefixUrl = "https://docs.google.com/gview?embedded=true&url="

if ("application/pdf".equals(mimetype)) {
     String newUrl = pdfPrefixUrl + url;

Hope it will help!

like image 188
Yazon2006 Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 18:10
