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Android: Databinding expression with enum comparison

is it possible to create a databinding expression and control the visibility of a view element by using enumerations? What I want to achieve is the following

    android:visibility="@{user.editType == EditType.EDIT_PROFIL ? View.VISIBLE : View.GONE}">

The EditType class is very simple

public enum EditType {

It would be awesome if I can use this enumeration within the XML to control the visibility of my LinearLayout.

Anybody got an idea how to achieve this?

like image 376
jennymo Avatar asked May 15 '17 09:05


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1 Answers

To me it seems like what you want to achieve is possible and I dont see anything wrong except maybe u lack of the tag? I dont see it...

<data>  <import type="com.example.my.app.EditType"/> </data> 
like image 158
Shohn Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 10:09
