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Android application which should get installed only on phone and not on tablets

I've built an app but due to layout issues in tablets i decided not to make the application available to them. I've put in manifest as.


    <supports-screens android:resizeable="false"
            android:smallScreens="true" android:normalScreens="true"
            android:largeScreens="false" android:anyDensity="false" />

but still application can be installed on tablets..

like image 428
Shashank Degloorkar Avatar asked Nov 11 '11 05:11

Shashank Degloorkar

2 Answers

I think you can use compatible-screens as described here for specific installations...

More Here

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Hanry Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 18:09


I have meet the same problem, don't require any tag. just use it, it will work like charm.

<screen android:screenSize="small" android:screenDensity="ldpi" />
<screen android:screenSize="small" android:screenDensity="mdpi" />
<screen android:screenSize="small" android:screenDensity="hdpi" />
<screen android:screenSize="small" android:screenDensity="xhdpi" />

<screen android:screenSize="normal" android:screenDensity="ldpi" />
<screen android:screenSize="normal" android:screenDensity="mdpi" />
<screen android:screenSize="normal" android:screenDensity="hdpi" />
<screen android:screenSize="normal" android:screenDensity="xhdpi" />

like image 21
Ankit Sharma Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 17:09

Ankit Sharma