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Android application instance not created



I have an app which works on almost all devices. I have thousands of installations, no crashes. Now I have a friend who has a new Nexus 5 with Kit-kat. He uninstalled my app and installed it again. Now it crashes on every start.

It crashes because the start activity in its onCreate() method tries to access the application object which I have derived. But getApplication() does not return my instance of Application which I have defined in AndroidManifest.xml.

I have put some logs into the constructor and into the onCreate() method of my custom Application class. And these logs are not called. But only on this one phone!

Any ideas when an Application object is not created?

like image 498
Witek Avatar asked Feb 11 '14 07:02


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1 Answers

Restarting the phone solves the problem.

Seams to be a bug in Android.

like image 190
Witek Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 18:09
