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Integration of payment gateway for Android




I tried to integrate payment gateway using PayPal SDK. It works fine. But what I want is, is there any way to avoid the default UI of paypal payment?

I mean paypal SDK opens an UI to input credit card info (card number, expiry date, CCV) to purchase something. I already have those information. So I just want to avoid to input those information again.

Is there any way to pass those information using any method instead of paypals UI?

Thanks in advance.

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Md Sufi Khan Avatar asked Feb 10 '14 04:02

Md Sufi Khan

People also ask

What is Android payment gateway?

Simply speaking, a payment gateway happens to be a business application handling online transactions and transferring amounts between the seller and the customer. Customers make use of this technology for integrating debit cards and credit cards for making payments using mobile apps.

1 Answers

To directly answer the question, you could use your own UI with Paypals API directly. See instructions here: https://developer.paypal.com/docs/api/

The issue and why you are seeing it is because the paypal SDK starts a paypal service and that service is what actually processes the payment for you and why you get their UI. Generally as NasaGeek said it's more comforting to the user to get that known interface to enter their information. But that's a design choice for you to make...

In researching this I found that using a RESTful API is how Dwolla was doing it in their SDK: If you look at other payment SDKs on Android, such as Dwolla they do it with a request and response that you handle so you likely wouldn't be stuck with their UI. https://github.com/therockstorm/dwolla-java-sdk

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speedyhawk Avatar answered Oct 29 '22 16:10
