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Android application crashing on Motorola defy reason <s3dReadConfigFile:75>: Can't open file for reading

I have been working on an Android application for last couple of weeks. I have been testing it on Samsung s3 and HTC one without any issue.

However I brought Motorola defy and while started testing on it, application starts crashing. After looking into logcat I found following issue that might cause crash i.e.

<s3dReadConfigFile:75>: Can't open file for reading

Could any help me to fix this issue? Why is it crashing on Motorola not on any other Android devices?

Thanks in advance.

Here is full logcat

E 7183/Trace: error opening trace file: Permission denied (13)
D 7183/ActivityThread: setTargetHeapUtilization:0.25
D 7183/ActivityThread: setTargetHeapIdealFree:8388608
D 7183/ActivityThread: setTargetHeapConcurrentStart:2097152
D 7183/libEGL: loaded /system/lib/egl/libEGL_adreno200.so
D 7183/libEGL: loaded /system/lib/egl/libGLESv1_CM_adreno200.so
D 7183/libEGL: loaded /system/lib/egl/libGLESv2_adreno200.so
I 7183/Adreno200-EGLSUB: <ConfigWindowMatch:2087>: Format RGBA_8888.
E 7183/: <s3dReadConfigFile:75>: Can't open file for reading
E 7183/: <s3dReadConfigFile:75>: Can't open file for reading
D 7183/OpenGLRenderer: Enabling debug mode 0
I 7183/Adreno200-EGLSUB: <ConfigWindowMatch:2087>: Format RGBA_8888.

After that there is nothing happens and app crashes.

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iPhoneDeveloper Avatar asked Apr 25 '13 06:04


People also ask

Why do my Apps keep crashing Motorola?

You may have downloaded the app improperly, and all you need to do is to reinstall the app to fix the crashing problem: Go to Settings > “Apps” or “Application manager” > Choose the app that crashes > Tap the “Uninstall” option to make it. Then you can go to Google Play Store to reinstall the app after a few minutes.

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The easiest way to fix an app that keeps crashing on your Android smartphone is to simply force stop it and open it again. To do this, go to Settings -> Apps and select the app that keeps crashing. Tap on the app's name and then tap on 'Force stop'. Now try opening the app again and see if it works well.

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This usually occurs when your Wi-Fi or cellular data is slow or unstable, causing apps to malfunction. Another reason for Android apps crashing can be a lack of storage space in your device. This can occur when you overload your device's internal memory with heavy apps.

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Many devices feature lots of storage, but your app may crash if you have too many apps and data files taking up space. An easy way to solve this problem is to check for apps you haven't used for a long time and uninstall them. You can also use Android apps to clean up old and unwanted files from the device.

1 Answers

Not sure if this is worth the bounty, but this question has been asked and answered on SO before: Device specific error - s3dReadConfigFile "Can't open file for reading."

It appears to be an error caused by the Adreno GPU in the device. https://developer.qualcomm.com/discover/chipsets-and-modems/adreno-gpu

The GPU causes this error any time you create a GL Surface. The error seems to log but get handled by whatever drivers Quaalcom provides it is very common on Galaxy S3, but does not cause a crash on that device.

Perhaps someone at Quaalcom knows why the error crashes on Moto, but not Samsung. https://developer.qualcomm.com/contact

I hope this helps you along a bit. My gut tells me this is a red herring: Its not what is causing your crash. But it is pretty hard to ignore an error message in a crashing app. Still, I would suggest looking for other possible culprits before spending too much time chasing down this error. On my devices, that error is shown on any open GL game I make, but never causes a crash or any other disruption. It only even causes the error on the Samsun G3 I have, not on my other (HTC) test devices.

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Plastic Sturgeon Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 02:09

Plastic Sturgeon