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Notification setLights() Default Value?

I want to create a custom notification. So i want to change the lights and the tone. I use the NotificationCompat.Builder for that.

Now i want to change the Lights via setLights(); Works fine. But i want set the default value of the onMS and offMS. I haven't find something about that.

Can anybody help me to find the default values? Here is the documentation for that: http://developer.android.com/reference/android/support/v4/app/NotificationCompat.Builder.html#setLights(int, int, int)

like image 888
StefMa Avatar asked Feb 27 '13 10:02


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1 Answers

See the Android source for answer:

<!-- Default color for notification LED. -->
<color name="config_defaultNotificationColor">#ffffffff</color>
<!-- Default LED on time for notification LED in milliseconds. -->
<integer name="config_defaultNotificationLedOn">500</integer>
<!-- Default LED off time for notification LED in milliseconds. -->
<integer name="config_defaultNotificationLedOff">2000</integer>

However different ROMs might have different values for these. For example mine returns 5000 for config_defaultNotificationLedOff. So you might want to fetch them at runtime:

Resources resources = context.getResources(),
          systemResources = Resources.getSystem();
    ContextCompat.getColor(context, systemResources
        .getIdentifier("config_defaultNotificationColor", "color", "android")),
        .getIdentifier("config_defaultNotificationLedOn", "integer", "android")),
        .getIdentifier("config_defaultNotificationLedOff", "integer", "android")));

According to diff, these attributes are guaranteed to exist on Android 2.2+ (API level 8+).

like image 197
Mygod Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 00:09
