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Android appbundle: rename generated outputfile (.aab)

I am trying to rename the generated .aab file in format <appname>-<variant>-<buildType>-<version>, is there any way output bundle file can be renamed similar to apk renaming.

Copying and renaming I have tried, but the problem there is I need to name the bundle as <appname>-<variant>-<buildType>-<version>. when I create the task as mentioned here How to change the generated filename for App Bundles with Gradle? getting the variant is using a substring, which gives both variantBuildtype.

like image 354
user740797 Avatar asked Mar 08 '19 08:03


1 Answers

First I'd like to clarify what a build variant is. A build variant is a combination of the build type and flavor. For example, a build type could be release and a flavor could be something like freeVersion. So a variant would be releaseFreeVersion.

Note: the answer that you linked has a side effect of creating an additional copy of the .aab file rather than only renaming it. This answer also fixes that.

Part 1: This answer assumes you are using product flavors

In this answer I'll assume that you are using product flavors. I'll also assume the format you want is <appname>-<flavor>-<buildType>-<version>.

First create some supplementary Gradle methods

You can add these toward the bottom of your build.gradle file (outside of all curly braces).

static String firstMatchingSubstring(String taskName, String[] keys) {
    def lcName = taskName.toLowerCase()

    for(String key: keys) {
        if(lcName.contains(key.toLowerCase())) return key

    return null

 * @param taskName e.g., bundleMyFlavorRelease or bundleRelease
 * @return
String getBuildType(String taskName) {
    return firstMatchingSubstring(taskName, getBuildTypeNames())

 * @param taskName e.g., bundleMyFlavorRelease
 * @return
String getFlavor(String taskName) {
    return firstMatchingSubstring(taskName, getProductFlavorNames())

String[] getBuildTypeNames() {
    def types = []

    android.buildTypes.all { type ->

    return types

String[] getProductFlavorNames() {
    def flavors = []

    android.productFlavors.all { flavor ->

    return flavors

Create a task to rename the app bundle

Similar to the accepted answer you linked in your question we'll insert a rename task. I hard coded the app name but if you want to have different app names you could put them inside the android.defaultConfig block and then reference the name below.

tasks.whenTaskAdded { task ->
    def name = task.name

    //Skip some unnecessary tasks
    if (name.startsWith("bundle")
            && !name.contains("Classes")
            && !name.contains("Resources")
            && name != "bundle") {

        def renameTaskName = "rename${task.name.capitalize()}Aab"
        def version = "${android.defaultConfig.versionName}-${android.defaultConfig.versionCode}"
        def flavor = getFlavor(name)
        def type = getBuildType(name)
        if(flavor == null || type == null) return

        def outputName = "AppName-$flavor-$type-$version"

        tasks.create(renameTaskName) {
            def path = "${rootDir}/app/${flavor}/${type}/"
            def originalFile = "$path/app-${flavor}-${type}.aab"

            doLast {
                if (file("$originalFile").exists()) {
                    ant.move file: "$originalFile",
                            tofile: "$path/${outputName}.aab"


Part 2: This answer assumes you are not using product flavors

If you are not using product flavors then something more simple like the accepted answer you linked in your question with some modifications. This would produce a name like <appname>-<buildType>-<version>.aab.

tasks.whenTaskAdded { task ->
    def name = task.name

    //Skip some unnecessary tasks
    if (name.startsWith("bundle")
            && !name.contains("Classes")
            && !name.contains("Resources")
            && name != "bundle") {

        def renameTaskName = "rename${task.name.capitalize()}Aab"
        def type = task.name.substring("bundle".length()).uncapitalize()
        def version = "${android.defaultConfig.versionName}-${android.defaultConfig.versionCode}"
        def outputName = "AppName-$type-$version"

        tasks.create(renameTaskName) {
            def path = "${rootDir}/app/${type}/"
            def originalFile = "$path/app-${type}.aab"

            doLast {
                if (file("$originalFile").exists()) {
                    ant.move file: "$originalFile",
                            tofile: "$path/${outputName}.aab"

like image 130
Markymark Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 10:11
