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Android Animation Alpha

I've got animation:

<set xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"      android:interpolator="@android:anim/linear_interpolator">      <alpha          android:fromAlpha="0.2"          android:toAlpha="1.0"          android:duration="500"/>   </set> 

and ImageView:

<ImageView     android:id="@+id/listViewIcon"     android:layout_width="wrap_content"     android:layout_height="wrap_content"     android:src="@drawable/settings"      android:alpha="0.2"/>   

and code:

final Animation anim = AnimationUtils.loadAnimation(this, R.anim.alpha); final ImageView iv = (ImageView) findViewById(R.id.listViewIcon); anim .setFillAfter(true); iv.startAnimation(anim); 

So at the beginning I have ImageView with alpha 0.2 and at the end I want to have ImageView with alpha 1. But it doesn't work like that - when animation starts more alpha is added and animation finish with alpha 0.2

What do I have to change to animate my image from 0.2 up to 1?

I've checked with different settings - I set android:alpha="1.0", fromAlpa="1.0", toAlpha="0.2" it works like I expected - from alpha 1 to 0.2. It looks like alpha from ImageView is multiplied by alpha from animation...

like image 314
wioskamala Avatar asked Dec 17 '13 08:12


People also ask

What is Alpha in android animation?

An animation that controls the alpha level of an object. Useful for fading things in and out. This animation ends up changing the alpha property of a Transformation.

What does Alpha mean in Android?

"alpha" is used to specify the opacity for an image. set alpha using XML attribute: android:alpha="0.5" Note: takes float value from 0 (transparent) to 1 (fully visible)

Is animation possible on Android?

On Android 4.4 (API level 19) and higher, you can use the transition framework to create animations when you swap the layout within the current activity or fragment. All you need to do is specify the starting and ending layout, and what type of animation you want to use.

How do you animate visibility on Android?

The easiest way to animate Visibility changes is use Transition API which available in support (androidx) package. Just call TransitionManager. beginDelayedTransition method then change visibility of the view. There are several default transitions like Fade , Slide .

1 Answers

Try this

AlphaAnimation animation1 = new AlphaAnimation(0.2f, 1.0f); animation1.setDuration(1000); animation1.setStartOffset(5000); animation1.setFillAfter(true); iv.startAnimation(animation1); 
like image 171
Vaibhav Agarwal Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 12:10

Vaibhav Agarwal