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Android 4.4 translucent Status and Navigation bars style on Android 5.0

On Android 4.4 KitKat you can set the Status and Navigation bars transparent with the android:windowTranslucentStatus and android:windowTranslucentNavigation theme elements, and then below the bars the app window is extended and a gradient is added. However on Android 5.0 Lollipop this has been changed and now instead of the gradient a solid transparent color is added. Android 5.0 offers the new android:statusBarColor and android:navigationBarColor elements under the new Material theme, but when you try to set these elements to @android:color/transparent the app window is not extended, and if you use android:windowTranslucentStatus and android:windowTranslucentNavigation then android:statusBarColor and android:navigationBarColor are ignored.

Am I missing something described on http://developer.android.com/training/material/theme.html#StatusBar?

enter image description here

like image 579
AxeEffect Avatar asked Oct 20 '14 20:10


People also ask

How do I show navigation bar on Android?

Simply just go to Settings -> Display ->Navigation Bar.

How do I change the color of my status bar?

Step 1: After opening the android studio and creating a new project with an empty activity. Step 2: Navigate to res/values/colors. xml, and add a color that you want to change for the status bar. Step 3: In your MainActivity, add this code in your onCreate method.

2 Answers

Set android:windowTranslucentStatus to false and set android:statusBarColor to @android:color/transparent.

Then add code below:

getWindow().getDecorView().setSystemUiVisibility(         View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LAYOUT_FULLSCREEN); 

If you also want the navigation bar to be translucent, set android:navigationBarColor to @android:color/transparent and combine the flag View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LAYOUT_HIDE_NAVIGATION as well.

I didn't experiment on the navigation bar but it will work.

like image 121
suckgamony Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 00:10


Add below line to your style:

<item name="android:windowTranslucentStatus">true</item> <item name="android:windowTranslucentNavigation">true</item> 
like image 44
Kuldeep Sakhiya Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 23:10

Kuldeep Sakhiya