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An simple jstree example that can create/rename/delete node




New to jstree and jquery, was looking for a simple tutorial that can create, rename and delete nodes, but couldn't find it even though there are a few good tutorials (either not working in my environment or don't address the need).

Saw an interesting example http://www.jstree.com/demo/, but it's complicated by the mix of other examples and all the html formattings. Spent some time and reduced it to a minimum level. Hope it can help you in your project!

enter image description here

To do the ajax, you can refer to the following snippet, pay attention to the "url" field. Your response handler should return something like

["Child 1", { "id" : "demo_child_1", "text" : "Child 2", "children" : [ { "id" : "demo_child_2", "text" : "One more", "type" : "file" }] }]

Ajax snippet

$(function () {
    var to = false;
    $('#demo_q').keyup(function () {
        if(to) { clearTimeout(to); }
        to = setTimeout(function () {
            var v = $('#demo_q').val();
        }, 250);
            "core" : {
                "animation" : 0,
                "check_callback" : true,
                "themes" : { "stripes" : true },
                'data' : {
                    'url' : function (node) {
                        return 'handler.php';
                    'data' : function (node) {
                        return { 'id' : node.id };
            "types" : {
                "#" : { "max_children" : 1, "max_depth" : 4, "valid_children" : ["root"] },
                "root" : { "icon" : "/static/3.0.2/assets/images/tree_icon.png", "valid_children" : ["default"] },
                "default" : { "valid_children" : ["default","file"] },
                "file" : { "icon" : "glyphicon glyphicon-file", "valid_children" : [] }
            "plugins" : [ "contextmenu", "dnd", "search", "state", "types", "wholerow" ]
like image 573
packetie Avatar asked Jul 22 '14 16:07


1 Answers

Not sure the exact requirement but seems like jsTree "Contextmenu" plugin can be exact help here. A simple example of how a contextmenu plugin can be used, can be found https://everyething.com/jsTree-with-Context-Menu

But if you want to customise [create, rename, delete etc.] the menu as per your requirement, you can find similar simple example at https://everyething.com/jsTree-with-Custom-Context-Menu

like image 124
Asif Nowaj Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 18:09

Asif Nowaj