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An internal error occurred during: "Start Ruble bundle manager"

I've install the Aptana3 Eclipse plugin, I am using eclipse Version: Juno Service Release 1 Build id: 20121004-1855.

Each time I launch eclipse I see an error dialog that says:

An internal error occurred during: "Start Ruble bundle manager". java.lang.NullPointerException

How can I fix this error?

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devguy Avatar asked Jan 03 '13 04:01


4 Answers

I was having the same problem after a fresh install of Eclipse and Aptana.

What fixed it for me was very close to what Jason mentioned in his Answer. I checked the available software sites in Eclipse --> Preferences --> Install/Update --> Available Software Sites.

In this window there was an option for Aptana that was checked. I had given it a name of "Aptana" previously and the location was "http://download.aptana.com/studio3/plugin/install".

There was a second location listed for Aptana at "http://download.aptana.com/studio3/plugin/update/" but this option was not checked nor did it have a name. I gave it the name "Aptana Update" and I put a check in the box. I then restarted Eclipse and the error went away.

Let me note that I am using:
Eclipse Standard/SDK
Version: Kepler Service Release 1
Build id: 20130919-0819
Aptana Studio 3

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Jonathan Katon Avatar answered Jan 05 '23 05:01

Jonathan Katon

Try checking the available software sites in Eclipse --> preferences. Use the search field in preferences to get there quickly. I noticed there was an entry for:


The above address isn't the location of the package. Once I unchecked that box and selected the one for:

Apanta http://download.aptana.com/studio3/plugin/install

it started without the error. Not sure if this is the full solution, but it seems to work.

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Jason Avatar answered Jan 05 '23 07:01


Look at your .log to find which bundle has an issue.

Then uncheck, remove or change wrong url in the install/update available software sites : Eclipse -> Preferences -> Install/update -> Available Sofware Sites (to check this url, just copy/paste and look in browser..)

Aptana update site (at current time...) : http://update.aptana.com/update/studio/3.2

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gdoumenc Avatar answered Jan 05 '23 07:01


Install the support file for Windows http://gnuwin32.sourceforge.net/downlinks/zlib.php

this solved my problem in Windows. As by Linux it comes as default.

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sunil Avatar answered Jan 05 '23 06:01
