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Uninstall an Eclipse plugin when the "Uninstall..." button is disabled

Sometimes, for some reason, the "Uninstall" button is disabled in Help > About Eclipse > Installation Details (For example, after installing Aptana plugin, which forces the use of an older installer in Eclipse Galileo).

How is it possible to remove these plugins with "Uninstall" disabled ?

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Tristan Avatar asked Jun 25 '11 13:06


People also ask

How do I remove a plugin from Eclipse?

To remove a plug-in you need to remove the JAR file from the "plugins" directory, located in your Eclipse installation directory. Under Indigo/3.7 the "Help > About Eclipse > Installation Details > Installed Software tab > Uninstall..." option works.

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But even if i reinstalled that findbug is not visible :( It's moved in Neon to Eclipse > About Eclipse > Installation Details. You also have to search in Installed Software, not Plug-ins, to remove it (even though it's listed in both places).

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To uninstall you should either go on and remove the org. python. pydev* from eclipse/plugins and eclipse/features or you can go to help > software updates > manage configuration, choose the PyDev plugin and disable it (after that, to completely remove it, you must restart Eclipse and only then select it for uninstall).

1 Answers

Try run eclipse as administrator. It worked for me.

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SachiraChin Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 13:10
