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An input in a form named 'action' overrides the form's action property. Is this a bug?

I have a form marked up as

<form class="form1" method="post" action="form1.php" style="width:405px">

Ordinarily, I could access the action of the form in javascript by referring to the .action of the form object, for example


which would return the value


However, if I have, as a component of the form, an item named "action", this "action" becomes the content of the form's action. That is, if the form markup contains, for example,

<input name="action" type="hidden" value="check" />



returns the value

<input name="action" type="hidden" value="check" />

Now, I did work out how to get around this: by using


However, it's a nasty gotcha that confused me for too long. Is this a bug? A known gotcha of DOM management? Or should I just get into the habit of using .getAttribute()?

like image 392
bugmagnet Avatar asked Aug 07 '13 10:08


1 Answers

I would not call this a bug. This effect occurs, because attributes can be read by using element.attributename and named inputs inside a form can be accessed in the same way, formelement.inputname. If there is an attribute and an input with the same name, there is no guarantee which one will be used. It probably behaves differently in different browsers.

I personally use getAttribute if I am reading a known attribute that was included in the markup or added using setAttribute in JavaScript. For dynamic values like, for example, the checked attribute of a checkbox, I don't use getAttribute. But this is more a question of personal preference, I guess.

like image 169
Wutz Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 21:10
