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An error has occured. Please see log file - eclipse juno




Try deleting following file from workspace.


Or try launching it from console.

C:\path\to\eclipse\eclipse -clean

Solved :

  1. Quit eclipse
  2. GO to your workspace and delete .metadata folder
  3. Now open eclipse with same Workspace path ( You will see as a new workspace )
  4. Now right click import > General > Existing Projects into Workspace > next > Select root directory -> browse to your current workspace and press OK.
  5. Now you will all see your all projects and then hit OK again.
  6. Voila, same projects with same workspace no migration or reference problem.

After trying everything else, this solves my issue.

Delete the .metadata folder from workspace and start the eclipse and now again import all project in same workspace, this worked for me.

In my mac machine, I checked whether I installed two java versions or not. I got this error. Because i installed two java at a time.

User -> Library -> Java -> JavaVirtualMachines -> version 1.8.0 and version 11.0.1 has been installed.

I removed version 11.0.1. Now its working fine.

I deleted the entire .metadata folder, and it worked for me.