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Amazon SES sending duplicate emails

I have switched to using Amazon SES to send our transactional alerts from our asp.net system and I'm getting calls that people are receiving duplicate emails.

I have confirmed that our program is only sending the email once to each user.

I received one of these duplicates exactly 5 minutes after the first email was sent, making me think it is some sort of retry issue.

Is there a way to configure/fix this issue?

If it makes any difference, I am using the AWS SDK in asp.net and calling the AmazonSimpleEmailServiceClient.SendEmail call.

like image 980
Wavel Avatar asked May 13 '11 15:05


People also ask

Why are the emails that I send using Amazon SES getting marked as spam?

A message placed in a spam folder indicates that Amazon SES has successfully delivered the message to the recipient's mail server (ISP). At this stage, Amazon SES has no control over the message and can't guarantee inbox placement.

What is SES hard bounce?

Hard bounce – A persistent email delivery failure. For example, the mailbox does not exist. Amazon SES does not retry hard bounces, with the exception of DNS lookup failures. We strongly recommend that you do not make repeated delivery attempts to email addresses that hard bounce.

Is AWS SES reliable?

Pros: SES is basically the best email service out there. We find it the most used service out of all of the Amazon Web Services suite. - Extremely cheap, $0.10 for 1000 emails is the cheapest in the industry. - Reliability is top notch.

How can I send mail without verifying the recipients in Amazon SES?

2) Raise a Case on Amazon Support for Production Access. SES > Production Access. By doing this you can have the full access of TO addresses and can send emails to anyone.

1 Answers

Amazon assigns a unique message ID to every email sent. Look in the full headers of the emails you received for an ID like the following:


If it is the same in both emails you got, then there is some sort of glitch between Amazon and the receiving SMTP server that is causing it to be resent. If the ID is different between the 2 emails, then you are sending it twice.

like image 168
Mitch Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 17:11
