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Amazon EC2 terminated instance (Free Tier)


I am using free tier on Amazon. I had one micro instance, which I terminated. If I create another one (micro) instance, will Amazon start charging me? I can still see my terminated instance in the instances list, but I cannot start or reboot it. Can I somehow delete it from the list?

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Loadeed Avatar asked Oct 21 '12 20:10


People also ask

Does AWS charge for stopped instances in free tier?

Stopped instances don't incur charges, but Elastic IP addresses or EBS volumes attached to those instances do.

Does terminated EC2 instance cost money?

You are charged for Amazon EBS storage for the amount of storage provisioned to your account, measured in "gigabyte-months." Amazon EC2 instances accrue charges only while they're running. However, EBS volumes attached to instances continue to retain information and accrue charges, even when the instance is stopped.

What happens when an Amazon EC2 instance is terminated?

Resolution. As part of an Amazon EC2 instance termination, the data on any instance store volumes associated with that instance is deleted. By default, the root Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) volume is automatically deleted.

Which EC2 instances are free tier?

EC2 Free Tier The Free Tier includes 750 hours of Windows, Linux, RHEL, and SLES t2. micro or t3. micro instances each month for one year. To stay within the Free Tier, use only EC2 t2.

1 Answers

You cannot perform any operations on the terminated instance. It is displayed in the list until one hour after deletion. After that time it will be removed from the list.

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Dee Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 13:10
