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Am I doing this correctly?

enter image description here

Before I ask for help, let me tell you what I did: Assuming I have a sampling rate of 8000Hz and sample size of 16 bits (2 bytes), at the end of the second I need 16000 byte or 8000 short.
Now I have a 10fps recording speed then for each fps I need 16000/10 = 1600 byte.
So, here is how the story proceeds:

Variables Declared:

byte[] eachPass = new byte[1600]; //used to store data from TargetDataLine for each pass
byte[] backingArray = new byte[16000]; //the complete data for one second
ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(backingArray); //buffer which stores the complete data
short[] audioSample = new short[16000/2]; //audio samples to be encoded
int passCounter = 0; /* After 10th pass, convert the byte[] to short[]
                      * using ByteBuffer */
int seconds = 0; // used to store the position of the packet

Looping and subsequent conversion of byte[] to short[]

while(keepCapturing == true){
    -- set up the java.awt.Robot and TargetDataLine before entering the loop --
    -- use java.awt.Robot to record the screen --
    -- do some other stuff, if needed --
    fromMic.read(eachPass,0,eachPass.length); // read data from microphone
    buffer.put(eachPass); //put it in  a bigger buffer

    if(passCounter!=0 && passCounter%10==0){ // is it 10th frame?
        passCounter = 0; //reset counter
        buffer.asShortBuffer.get(audioSamples); //get short[] in BigEndian format
        -- encode the audio at position (seconds-1) --


  • Even though buffer.position() returns 16000 in the if statement, I get a BufferUnderflowException when I do buffer.asShortBuffer.get(audioSamples);

  • I used java.util.Arrays.toString() to see what my eachPassand audioSamples contains, I got some numbers like -107, 0, 32, etc in eachPass and all zeroes in audioSamples. Why?
  • veterans, will you please help me nail this code? I have no clue what's going on.

    like image 568
    An SO User Avatar asked Dec 26 '12 19:12

    An SO User

    1 Answers

    You are forgetting to flip the buffer before reading the data, this is why nothing in being written into audioSamples.

    like image 82
    Anthony Accioly Avatar answered Nov 12 '22 15:11

    Anthony Accioly