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Alternatives to Thread.Sleep()

Every N minutes we want to run through a list of tasks. So we've created a task executor with a

do { DoWork(); }while(!stopRequested) 

Now we want to have a pause between work cycles. Everyone seems to think Thread.Sleep() is the devil. I've seen mention of using Monitor/Event stuff but we don't have someone else telling us to do work. We just want to do stuff every N minutes like clockwork.

So is there an alternative or have I found a valid use of Thread.Sleep?

Someone in another post mentioned WaitHandle.WaitOne() as an alternative but you can't call that from a non-static method apparently? Or at least I can't because I get a compile time error of..

An object reference is required for the non-static field, method, or property 'System.Threading.WaitHandle.WaitOne(System.TimeSpan)'

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Shane Courtrille Avatar asked Mar 24 '11 19:03

Shane Courtrille

People also ask

What can be used instead of thread sleep () in Java?

For example when the threadA need to wait for a certain amount of time you can put the thread in wait state and start a timer task that after a certain amount of time (interval ) call notify and wake up the ThreadA that go ahead, this could be an alternative .

Why thread sleep is not recommended?

If given a wait of 5000 Milliseconds(5 seconds) and an element just take just 1-2 seconds to load, script will still wait for another 3 seconds which is bad as it is unnecessarily increasing the execution time. So thread. sleep() increases the execution time in cases where elements are loaded in no due time.

Is thread sleep a good practice?

Thread. sleep is bad! It blocks the current thread and renders it unusable for further work.

Is Task delay better than thread sleep?

delay will not and has a cancellation token, unless your app is pretty complex, it really doesn't matter as on the surface: task. delay and thread. sleep do pretty much the same thing. "both do the same thing, they block the executing thread..." -- AFAIK the await task.

2 Answers

By my understanding, Thread.Sleep() is bad because it forces the thread's resources out of the cache, so they have to be loaded again afterwards. Not a big deal, but it could aggravate performance issues in high-load situations. And then there's the fact that the timing isn't precise, and that it effectively can't wait for durations under about 10ms...

I use this snippet:

new System.Threading.ManualResetEvent(false).WaitOne(1000); 

Easy as pie and it all fits on one line. Creates a new event handler that will never be set, and then waits the full timeout period, which you specify as the argument to WaitOne().

Although, for this specific scenario, a Timer would probably be a more appropriate approach:

var workTimer = new System.Threading.Timer(     (x) => DoWork(),     null,     1000, // initial wait period     300000); // subsequent wait period 

Then, instead of setting a cancel variable, you would stop the timer with workTimer.Stop().


Since people are still finding this useful, I should add that .NET 4.5 introduces the Task.Delay method, which is even more concise and also supports async:

Task.Delay(2000).Wait(); // Wait 2 seconds with blocking await Task.Delay(2000); // Wait 2 seconds without blocking 
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Calvin Fisher Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 16:10

Calvin Fisher

You have to call WaitOne on a WaitHandle, certainly. It's an instance method. Otherwise how would it know what to wait for?

It's definitely better to have something you can react to instead of sleep, so that you can notice cancellation without waiting minutes for no reason. Another alternative to WaitHandle is to use Monitor.Wait/Pulse.

However, if you're using .NET 4 I'd look into what the Task Parallel Library has to offer... it's at a slightly higher level than the other options, and is generally a well thought out library.

For regular work tasks you might want to look at using a Timer (either System.Threading.Timer or System.Timers.Timer) or possibly even Quartz.NET.

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Jon Skeet Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 17:10

Jon Skeet