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StringFormat and Multibinding with Label

You cant bind this because you are trying to bind a string to an object which wont work because StringFormat requires its target to be a string type. You can get around this by either using a TextBlock instead (which has a Text property) or putting the Textblock as the child of the Label:

<Label x:Name="myLabel">
                <MultiBinding StringFormat="{}{0} - {1}">
                    <Binding Path="Lib1" />
                    <Binding Path="Lib2" />

For those wondering you can also leave the <Label.Content> tag from Leom Burke's answer. This saves another two lines of code.

<Label x:Name="myLabel">
           <MultiBinding StringFormat="{}{0} - {1}">
               <Binding Path="Lib1" />
               <Binding Path="Lib2" />

      <MultiBinding StringFormat="{x:Static properties:Resources.MyText}">
         <Binding Path="MyObj.MyProp" Mode="OneTime"/>

Where Resources.MyText can hold anything like "Fox jumps over {0}."