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Alternatives to startActivityForResult



Edit: changed Fragment to Partial, I was ignorant of the Fragment object when I wrote this.

I have a partial that contains a button to bring up the contact list. Doing this requires calling

startActivityForResult( new Intent(Intent.ACTION_PICK, Contacts.CONTENT_URI), MY_REQUEST_CODE );

and handling the result in my Activity, something like:

public void onActivityResult( int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data ) {
    if (resultCode == RESULT_OK) {
        switch (requestCode) {
            case MY_REQUEST_CODE: {
                Address address = contact_address( data );
                if (address != null) {
                    // do something with address
            } break;

Depending on how I include that partial in my Activity layout, it may be several layers deep in other partials, and there may be more than one instance of the partial.

I would like to avoid propagating the ID of MY_REQUEST_CODE all the way down to the partial that invokes the activity - or any variation thereof, like assigning an onClickListener to the button - I don't want the top level UI to care about how the partial is constructed at all.

Is there a standard way of achieving this? It seems to me that if onActivityResult could be made to accept Uri's instead of int codes, the propagation could have been avoided. I hope I am missing something obvious here...

like image 672
Brane Avatar asked Oct 17 '11 16:10


1 Answers

I didn't feel that Commonsware's solution answered my question, because it required every container of the partial to add handlers for events that are contained wholly within the partial.

I specifically do not want to have to implement handlers for every instance of that partial.

So I came up with a solution of sorts, though I admit it doesn't feel right either.

First, I subclass Activity, and create a small framework for associating a listener with startActivityForResult() and onActivityResult().

public class BaseActivity extends Activity {
    // assume that we'll never start more than one activity at a time from our activity (a safe assumption?)
    private static final int
        LISTENED_REQUEST_CODE = 1000000000;

    public static interface ActivityResultListener {
        public void onResultCode( int resultCode, Intent data );
    private ActivityResultListener

    public void startActivityForResult( Intent intent, ActivityResultListener listener ) {

        // paranoia
        if (activity_result_listener_ != null) {
            Log.e( TAG, "Activity trying to start more than one activity at a time..." );

        activity_result_listener_ = listener;
        startActivityForResult( intent, LISTENED_REQUEST_CODE );

    public void onActivityResult( int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data ) {
        if (requestCode == LISTENED_REQUEST_CODE) {
            if (activity_result_listener_ != null) {
                ActivityResultListener listener = activity_result_listener_;
                activity_result_listener_ = null;
                listener.onResultCode( resultCode, data );

        super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);

Then inside the partial, I call my overloaded startActivityForResult() and implement a listener:

public void onFinishInflate() {
    ImageButton contact_button = (ImageButton)findViewById(R.id.contact_button);
    contact_button.setOnClickListener( new OnClickListener() {
        public void onClick(View view) {
            ((BaseActivity)getContext()).startActivityForResult( new Intent(Intent.ACTION_PICK, Contacts.CONTENT_URI), 
                new BaseActivity.ActivityResultListener() {
                    public void onResultCode( int resultCode, Intent data ) {
                        if (resultCode == BaseActivity.RESULT_OK) {
                            add_contact_address( data );
    } ); 

So now I can use this partial all over the place without having to define listeners for each instance.

The drawback I see is that subclassing Activity will prevent me from using other Activity types. This could be reworked into an interface/implementation, but then starts to suffer from non-DRY logic once more.

like image 65
Brane Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 16:09
