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Alternatives for Numericbox in Windows 8 apps?

I am trying to find a good alternative to Numericbox in a windows 8 tile application. I tried using the same numericbox that exists for windows forms but got an error saying these are not supported(?) by windows 8 applications. I noticed that the TextBox element for tile applications has a InputScope that can be set to "Number", but it still allows the user to type in whatever character he wants to. I assume the InputScope does not do what I think it does.

I am currently managing with the textbox, but because I am doing calculations the text has to constantly be converted to decimal and then back to text when I want to update the interface, in addition to having to execute several checks to make sure the user does not enter non-numeric characters. This is getting extremely tedious and being very familiar with Windows Form this seems to be a step in the wrong direction. I must be missing something obvious?

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Wobbley Avatar asked Nov 05 '12 21:11


1 Answers

I am not familiar with NumericTextBox, but here is a simple C#/XAML implementation that allows only digits and the decimal character.

All it does is override the OnKeyDown event; based on the key being pressed, it either allows or disallows the event to reach the base TextBox class.

I should note that this implementation is for Windows Store apps - I believe your question is about that type of app, but I am not 100% sure.

public class MyNumericTextBox : TextBox
    protected override void OnKeyDown(KeyRoutedEventArgs e)

        if (!e.Handled)

    bool _hasDecimal = false;
    private void HandleKey(KeyRoutedEventArgs e)
        switch (e.Key)
            // allow digits
            // TODO: keypad numeric digits here
            case Windows.System.VirtualKey.Number0:
            case Windows.System.VirtualKey.Number1:
            case Windows.System.VirtualKey.Number2:
            case Windows.System.VirtualKey.Number3:
            case Windows.System.VirtualKey.Number4:
            case Windows.System.VirtualKey.Number5:
            case Windows.System.VirtualKey.Number6:
            case Windows.System.VirtualKey.Number7:
            case Windows.System.VirtualKey.Number8:
            case Windows.System.VirtualKey.Number9:
                e.Handled = false;

            // only allow one decimal
            // TODO: handle deletion of decimal...
            case (Windows.System.VirtualKey)190:    // decimal (next to comma)
            case Windows.System.VirtualKey.Decimal: // decimal on key pad
                e.Handled = (_hasDecimal == true);
                _hasDecimal = true;

            // pass various control keys to base
            case Windows.System.VirtualKey.Up:
            case Windows.System.VirtualKey.Down:
            case Windows.System.VirtualKey.Left:
            case Windows.System.VirtualKey.Right:
            case Windows.System.VirtualKey.Delete:
            case Windows.System.VirtualKey.Back:
            case Windows.System.VirtualKey.Tab:
                e.Handled = false;

                // default is to not pass key to base
                e.Handled = true;

Here is some sample XAML. Note that it assumes MyNumericTextBox is in the project namespace.

<StackPanel Background="Black">
    <!-- custom numeric textbox -->
    <local:MyNumericTextBox />
    <!-- normal textbox -->
    <TextBox />
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chue x Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 21:11

chue x