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Alternative to redis.keys(...)




In the documentation, it strongly discourages the use of .keys() in a production environment. What would be an alternative to the following:

r = Redis()
keys = r.keys('RT*')
for key in keys:
like image 839
David542 Avatar asked Mar 20 '15 03:03


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So yes, SCAN is blocking, but it's usually not a big deal, and is only blocking when Redis is actually processing the command.

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1 Answers

SCAN is the recommended alternative for production usage.

redis-py includes a convenient SCAN iterator for that purpose, so what you can do is:

r = Redis()
for key in r.scan_iter(match='RT*'):
  print(key) # or do something
like image 143
deltheil Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 06:10
