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How to simulate from an (arbitrary) continuous probability distribution? [duplicate]

I have a probability density function like this:

def p1(x):
    return ( sin(x) ** (-0.75) ) / (4.32141 * (x ** (1/5)))

I want to denerate random value on [0; 1] with this pdf. How can I do random value?

like image 672
Denis Avatar asked Mar 17 '15 09:03


2 Answers

As mentioned by Francis you'd better know the cdf of your distribution. Anyway scipy provides a handy way to define custom distributions. It looks pretty much like that

from scipy import stats
class your_distribution(stats.rv_continuous):
    def _pdf(self, x):
        return ( sin(x) ** (-0.75) ) / (4.32141 * (x ** (1/5)))

distribution = your_distribution()
like image 93
Gioelelm Avatar answered Oct 31 '22 22:10


Without using scipy and given a numerical sampling of your PDF, you can sample using a cumulative distribution and linear interpolation. The code below assumes equal spacing in x. It could be modified to do an integration for an arbitrarily sampled PDF. Note it renormalises the PDF to 1 within the range of x.

import numpy as np

def randdist(x, pdf, nvals):
    """Produce nvals random samples from pdf(x), assuming constant spacing in x."""

    # get cumulative distribution from 0 to 1
    cumpdf = np.cumsum(pdf)
    cumpdf *= 1/cumpdf[-1]

    # input random values
    randv = np.random.uniform(size=nvals)

    # find where random values would go
    idx1 = np.searchsorted(cumpdf, randv)
    # get previous value, avoiding division by zero below
    idx0 = np.where(idx1==0, 0, idx1-1)
    idx1[idx0==0] = 1

    # do linear interpolation in x
    frac1 = (randv - cumpdf[idx0]) / (cumpdf[idx1] - cumpdf[idx0])
    randdist = x[idx0]*(1-frac1) + x[idx1]*frac1

    return randdist
like image 43
xioxox Avatar answered Oct 31 '22 22:10
