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Alternative to iFrames with HTML5




People also ask

Is iframe deprecated in HTML5?

Deprecated AttributesSome attributes from HTML4 are no longer allowed in HTML5 at all and they have been removed completely. img and iframe. caption, iframe, img, input, object, legend, table, hr, div, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, p, col, colgroup, tbody, td, tfoot, th, thead and tr. table, tr, td, th and body.

Are IFrames supported in HTML5?

The <iframe> element is still valid in HTML5.

Are IFrames still used in 2021?

<iframe> is not an obsolete or deprecated tag. It's still widelly used in the web, mostly for media purposes.

Basically there are 4 ways to embed HTML into a web page:

  • <iframe> An iframe's content lives entirely in a separate context than your page. While that's mostly a great feature and it's the most compatible among browser versions, it creates additional challenges (shrink wrapping the size of the frame to its content is tough, insanely frustrating to script into/out of, nearly impossible to style).
  • AJAX. As the solutions shown here prove, you can use the XMLHttpRequest object to retrieve data and inject it to your page. It is not ideal because it depends on scripting techniques, thus making the execution slower and more complex, among other drawbacks.
  • Hacks. Few mentioned in this question and not very reliable.
  • HTML5 Web Components. HTML Imports, part of the Web Components, allows to bundle HTML documents in other HTML documents. That includes HTML, CSS, JavaScript or anything else an .html file can contain. This makes it a great solution with many interesting use cases: split an app into bundled components that you can distribute as building blocks, better manage dependencies to avoid redundancy, code organization, etc. Here is a trivial example:

    <!-- Resources on other origins must be CORS-enabled. -->
    <link rel="import" href="http://example.com/elements.html">

Native compatibility is still an issue, but you can use a polyfill to make it work in evergreen browsers Today.

You can learn more here and here.

You can use object and embed, like so:

<object data="http://www.web-source.net" width="600" height="400">
    <embed src="http://www.web-source.net" width="600" height="400"> </embed>
    Error: Embedded data could not be displayed.

Which isn't new, but still works. I'm not sure if it has the same functionality though.

No, there isn't an equivalent. The <iframe> element is still valid in HTML5. Depending on what exact interaction you need there might be different APIs. For example there's the postMessage method which allows you to achieve cross domain javascript interaction. But if you want to display cross domain HTML contents (styled with CSS and made interactive with javascript) iframe stays as a good way to do.

object is an easy alternative in HTML5:

<object data="https://github.com/AbrarJahin/Asp.NetCore_3.1-PostGRE_Role-Claim_Management/"
    Alternative Content

You can also try embed:

<embed src="https://github.com/AbrarJahin/Asp.NetCore_3.1-PostGRE_Role-Claim_Management/"
onerror="alert('URL invalid !!');" />


As currently, StackOverflow has turned off support for showing external URL contents, run code snippet is not showing anything. But for your site, it will work perfactly.

If you want to do this and control the server from which the base page or content is being served, you can use Cross Origin Resource Sharing (http://www.w3.org/TR/access-control/) to allow client-side JavaScript to load data into a <div> via XMLHttpRequest():

// I safely ignore IE 6 and 5 (!) users
// because I do not wish to proliferate
// broken software that will hurt other
// users of the internet, which is what
// you're doing when you write anything
// for old version of IE (5/6)
xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
  if(xhr.readyState == 4 && xhr.status == 200) {
    document.getElementById('displayDiv').innerHTML = xhr.responseText;
xhr.open('GET', 'http://api.google.com/thing?request=data', true);

Now for the lynchpin of this whole operation, you need to write code for your server that will give clients the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header, specifying which domains you want the client-side code to be able to access via XMLHttpRequest(). The following is an example of PHP code you can include at the top of your page in order to send these headers to clients:

  header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: http://api.google.com');
  header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: http://some.example.com');

This also does seem to work, although W3C specifies it is not intended "for an external (typically non-HTML) application or interactive content"

<embed src="http://www.somesite.com" width=200 height=200 />

More info: http://www.w3.org/wiki/HTML/Elements/embed http://www.w3schools.com/tags/tag_embed.asp

An iframe is still the best way to download cross-domain visual content. With AJAX you can certainly download the HTML from a web page and stick it in a div (as others have mentioned) however the bigger problem is security. With iframes you'll be able to load the cross domain content but won't be able to manipulate it since the content doesn't actually belong to you. On the other hand with AJAX you can certainly manipulate any content you are able to download but the other domain's server needs to be setup in such a way that will allow you to download it to begin with. A lot of times you won't have access to the other domain's configuration and even if you do, unless you do that kind of configuration all the time, it can be a headache. In which case the iframe can be the MUCH easier alternative.

As others have mentioned you can also use the embed tag and the object tag but that's not necessarily more advanced or newer than the iframe.

HTML5 has gone more in the direction of adopting web APIs to get information from cross domains. Usually web APIs just return data though and not HTML.