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alternative to h1 element?




I like the h1 element because it specifies the contents are header style contents, but you're not supposed to put things like images or divs inside an h1, so is there an alternative to an h1 that I can put other markup in?

My current html looks like this:

<div class="section">
        <div style="float:left">header text</div>
        <div style="float:right">text</div>
        <div style="clear:both;float:none;"></div>
    <div>body contents</div>

I like the h1 because I can add a css style to any h1 with a div.section class, but I'm not suppoed to put divs in it...

like image 901
Jeremy Avatar asked Jan 28 '10 16:01


2 Answers

You could always do

<h1>header text <span>text</span></h1>

Then you handle the css for clearing the floats and floating the second text in the css file.

like image 114
silent1mezzo Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 02:10


You should use a semantic image replacement method: Which makes for the most elaborate design (images, colors ect.. the graphic is your oyster) as well as being completely semantic and accessible.

Otherwise as mentioned above, you can add any element that is an inline element: A, SPAN, ect... inside of your H1... but I would shy away from this if you are interested in semantics and being SEO friendly.:

    background:    url('../path/to/image/image_to_replace_header.jpg') no-repeat top left;  // Sets the BG that will replace your header
    text-indent:   -9999px;  //  Moves the test off screen
    overflow:      hidden;   //  Hides the staggered text for good
    width:         300px;    //  Sets width of block(header)
    height:        100px;    //  Sets height of block(header)

<h1>My Awesome Site</h1>

Now your text is still technically there, but you have a pretty photo in its place. Sighted, non sighted, and robot friendly.

like image 43
Jesse Burcsik Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 02:10

Jesse Burcsik