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100% Height Off-Canvas Foundation 5

I'm using Foundation and have a series of sections at height: 100%.

I'm using the off-canvas menu but it's only matching the height of the first section / the viewport. So once I scroll, the off-canvas menu is no longer aligned to the height of the viewport.

It's a similar issue to Foundation 5 off-canvas full height of device.

I'm ending up with this:

All good

After scrolling down to next section

I think it can be solved by to adding position: fixed to left-off-canvas-menu, but that's not working.

It's driving me mad.

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user3085038 Avatar asked Dec 10 '13 01:12


2 Answers

The best option I can find so far is to add a couple of lines of css:

        .off-canvas-wrap, .inner-wrap {
            min-height: 100%;

        height: 100%;
        overflow-y: auto;

Although this fixes it for the most part, scrolling on a touch device is not 100% perfect, every now and then you do get a weird scenario where the bottom of the browser drags upwards.

like image 78
Matt Kennedy Avatar answered Sep 26 '22 23:09

Matt Kennedy

Here's the better answer: it gives both 100% height and allows the center content to scroll.

.off-canvas-wrap, .inner-wrap, .main-section { height:100%; }
.main-section { overflow-y: auto; }
like image 45
PK. Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 23:09