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Alternative to Google Visualization's Annotated Timeline? (graphing library)

Is there any alternative to Google's Annotated Timeline Visualization API?

enter image description here

There's some bugs in the Annotated Timeline, and it doesn't appear they will be addressed.

Also it is a Flash based chart. A Canvas+Javascript implementation would be more portable.

The qualities that make the Annotated Timeline valuable (as opposed to every other charting library i've found so far) are:

  • supports multiple lines
  • zooming; to drill in and out of a date range
  • panning back and forth through time
  • supports thousands of data points
  • ability to be fed new data on the fly

As far as i can tell Google's Annotated Timeline is the only interactive line graph library.

like image 887
Ian Boyd Avatar asked Jul 21 '11 22:07

Ian Boyd

People also ask

Is Google Charts deprecated?

While the dynamic and interactive Google Charts are actively maintained, we officially deprecated the static Google Image Charts way back in 2012. This gives us the right to turn it off without notice, which may happen soon.

What are Google graph annotations?

Annotation charts are interactive time series line charts that support annotations. Note that the annotated timeline now automatically uses the Annotation Chart.

1 Answers

Dygraphs should do exactly what you want, and is a full js implementation. It's free, and already integrates with gviz (sample here), so you should barely need to change anything. It also has a bunch of other useful functionality not found on other gviz charts (like rolling average calculation).

Hope that helps.

like image 129
oli Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 15:09
