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Allow read in FireStore rules based on timestamp value in document

I want to create a FireStore rule that grantes read privilages to documents after the current date has surpassed a timestamp value in the document.

This is for a blog web application. E.G a blogger sets a blog post to be available to the public on a certain date.

From reading the documentation this should work, but It dosn't.

service cloud.firestore {
  match /databases/{database}/documents {
    match /Articles/{article}{
   allow read: if request.time.date() < resource.data.date

What I am i missing ??

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Rudi Avatar asked Nov 21 '17 13:11


2 Answers

firebaser here

I tried the same thing a while ago, and found out it isn't currently possible.

It is possible to allow/deny read to a specific document based on a property of that document.

It is possible to allow a query that filters documents based on a property in that document, but currently that is only possible based on request.auth.

This means that unfortunately your filter currently can't be implemented with security rules. I recommend you file a feature request to chime in.

Update (2018-04-24): this might now be possible with request.time, but I haven't had a chance to test yet. Have a look here.

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Frank van Puffelen Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 11:11

Frank van Puffelen

NOTE: As this is my first answer on Stack Overflow, I wasn't allowed to comment on Frank van Pueffelen's answer, so just as a heads-up, the credits for this solution are his!

The request has a request.time which is a timestamp, and Firestore allows for basic math operators on timestamp <> timestamp operations, so your request.time < resource.data.date will work ;)

service cloud.firestore {
  match /databases/{database}/documents {
    match /Articles/{article}{
   allow read: if request.time < resource.data.date

This is based on my personal testing on 2018.09.29

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Henrique Doro Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 11:11

Henrique Doro