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All images are not displayed in facebook share button

I am having one problem in my Facebook share button.

I have 8 images in my current post and all the images are greater than the size of 200x200.

But when i click on the Facebook share button it will only displayed 3 images out of 8 from which we can choose thumbnail.

I have also googled for this problem and according to many suggestion I have also reviewed

https://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug link for the debugging the problem. But there also all the 8 images are displayed properly.

Any help would be appreciable.


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Hardrik Avatar asked Sep 24 '13 12:09


People also ask

Why is share button missing on some posts?

Ok, so apparently FB has updated their privacy settings... For those of you seeing the "Share" option in your posts... That means that post is open to the public to see. If you have your profile settings set to "Friends", then no one will be able to share your posts.

Why is Facebook not showing my share?

The easiest fix for a Facebook post image not showing is to add a new post by using the URL of the page you want to share. Not sure how to copy the URL link from your blog post? You can read our article on how to copy and paste a URL link. Go to your Facebook post editor on mobile or desktop.

1 Answers

This is a great question, but I think the answer can disappoint you.

Short answer: far I know and searched, you can't do that.
Long answer: you can optimize this scenario with some good static images - or if you can be more creative, dinamically images.

The first tip

Add a static image to every share. You can do that adding Open Graph Meta Tags inside your head section of HTML:

<meta property="og:image" content="http://www.myawesomesite.com/logo.jpg"/>

With the code above you'll say to Facebook always show this image as an option in Share button. According to Facebook documentation is recomended use images with at least 1200 x 640 pixels, because this will share a post with a large image.

Following is the preview of one post with the recomended dimensions: enter image description here

And now a post with a small image: enter image description here

The second tip

In this post I found a possible good solution for your problem. The author used the same principles of the previous tip, but he used another practical way to do that.

He used the following tag:

<link rel="image_src" href="http://myawesomesite.com/logo.png" />

This tag is almost the same the previous one, but I think rel="images_src" can be a interesting thing. The link tag is applied in the head section of the website too (acording to W3C page), but I think you can lie to Facebook, because they're bad guys and don't provide a good API.

I was wondering - and this is just a supposition - why not try apply image_src as ID of your post / website images? I can't test this currently, but for now is the best thing I can think.


Facebook isn't very good in a lot of different ways, and they don't provide everything we need - like this interesting function. But maybe we can fool the Facebook using some strange techniques.

If you don't want test things like this, the only way you can choose images to share is giving to your page the static OpenGraph Meta Tags of the first tip.

I expect it helped something - sadly I think this is the best answer for your question.

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Paladini Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 08:09
