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Algorithm to rotate an array in linear time

How to rotate an integer array by i times using swap function only in linear time.

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algo-geeks Avatar asked Dec 16 '10 03:12


People also ask

How do you rotate an array in a linear time?

You can do this in linear time by using a reverse() helper. // rotate array of size=size, by n positions void rotate(int array[], int size, int n) { // reverse array[0... size-1] reverse(array, 0, size-1); // reverse A[0...n-1] reverse(array, 0, n-1); // reverse A[n...

Which algorithm is best for array rotation?

The block swap algorithm for array rotation is an efficient algorithm that is used for array rotation. It can do your work in O(n) time complexity. So, in array rotation, we are given an array arr[] of size n and a number k that define the no.

What is rotation algorithm?

Rotation algorithms began with the graphical methods of Thurstone (1947) for producing simple structure in factor analysis. Beginning with an initial reference structure he produced a sequence of simpler reference structures.

4 Answers

Let us say we have a function called arr_reverse(arr,i,j) which reverses the elements of the array arr between index i and j using the swap function.


arr = {1,2,3,4,5}  i = 0 j = 2 

then the function will return:

{3,2,1,4,5}   ^^^^^ 

Implementing this function is straight forward and is O(N).

Now let's use this function in rotating the array.

arr     = {1,2,3,4,5} // input array k       = 2 // amount of right rotation result  = {4,5,1,2,3} // expected result  l       = 5 // length of array.  Step 1: Call arr_reverse(arr,l-k,l-1) which is arr_reverse(arr,3,4) we get {1,2,3,5,4}                ^^^  Step 2: Call arr_reverse(arr,0,l-k-1) which is arr_reverse(arr,0,2) we get {3,2,1,5,4}         ^^^^^       Step 3: Call arr_reverse(arr,0,l-1) which is arr_reverse(arr,0,4) we get {4,5,1,2,3}          ^^^^^^^^^ 

The entire process makes use of arr_reverse 3 times, making it O(N)

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codaddict Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 02:10


You can do this in linear time by using a reverse() helper.

// rotate array of size=size, by n positions void rotate(int array[], int size, int n) {   // reverse array[0...size-1]   reverse(array, 0, size-1);    // reverse A[0...n-1]   reverse(array, 0, n-1);    // reverse A[n...size-1]   reverse(array, n, size-1); }  // reverse elements in the array[pos_from ... pos_to] void reverse(int array[], int pos_from, int pos_to) {    ... } 

Implementing reverse(int array[], int pos_from, int pos_to) using swaps is left as an exercise for the reader. Hint: This can be done in linear time.

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Sonny Saluja Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 01:10

Sonny Saluja

Here's a better solution, of a different nature than the others. It involves fewer array swaps than the others. Python:

import fractions
# rotates an array in-place i positions to the left, in linear time
def rotate(arr,i):
    n = len(arr)
    reps = fractions.gcd(n,i)
    swaps = n / reps
    for start in xrange(reps):
        ix = start
        tmp = arr[ix]
        for s in xrange(swaps-1):
            previx = ix
            ix = (ix + i) % n
            arr[previx] = arr[ix]
        arr[ix] = tmp
    return arr
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Berder Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 01:10


Using linear time O(2N+m), and constant space O(4). m = GCD(n, p)

It's up to 50% faster than the swapping approach, because swapping requires writing O(N) times to a temporary.


for (m=0, count=0; count!=n; m++) {
    type t=A[m];
    for (i=m, j=m+p; j!=m; i=j, j = j+p<n ? j+p : j+p-n, count++)
    A[i]=t; count++;
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Mark Jeronimus Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 00:10

Mark Jeronimus